Social Media Monitoring

Although it offers tremendous benefits, the world of social media is not without its threats.

Whether their motivation is financial, driven by revenge or fueled purely by a lust for mischief, hackers occasionally target business social media accounts.

Be aware of, and prepared for, the threats and dangers of the digital marketing world.

Once they have gained access, every second is critical in the race to shut them down and reduce reputational damage. Then, once the intruders have been ousted, a second race begins, to reassure customers and restore brand confidence.

From time to time a brand or business feels it is going through a period when an attack, either by hackers, a disgruntled employee or an acutely unreasonable customer is a strong possibility.

Under those circumstances a brand or business must monitor social media intensely. Often around the clock. That’s where we can help.

We can arrange to monitor all your social media channels 24-hours a day until you are content that the threat has subsided.
We’ll monitor posts, reviews, messages, comments, mentions and notifications and answer with a considered, disarming response or if necessary, alert you immediately.

To put it simply, we’ll stand watch, so you don’t have to worry.

If you’d like to discuss social media monitoring, just drop us a line on and we’ll discuss the situation in total confidence and offer a range of possible solutions.



