Using video as part of your online marketing mix won’t just bring you up to date with the times. Video carries with it a host of other important advantages. Advantages that you don’t get from articles, blog posts or other written material.
Video helps you make close subconscious emotional connections with viewers and it can show visitors that your business is so much more than just another soul-less online facade. Which helps improves engagement, reach and ‘stickability’.
Here are a few good reasons why you should invest in video
1. Increased Reach
One of the most important benefits of using video in your marketing is the expanded reach it creates. As well as giving you greater visibility on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram, Video also gives you allows you to harness the power of youtube. Youtube is a huge network, with enormous viewing figures. Also, with video results being shown as standard on google, along with the option to only see video results, it makes sense to throw you video into the melting pot.
2. Increased Shareability
Statistics prove that video is much more likely to be shared than any other form of media. By posting your video on your website and social media, you increase the chances of your message spreading.
3. Video Is A Shot In The Arm For SEO
Using video to promote your business has unprecedented SEO advantages. Search engines like Google are rewarding video producers with more traffic.
It makes sense that search engines hold videos in such high regard. There are probably already tons of articles, and posts relating to your marketplace But there will be a lot less video. Which means it’s more likely that you can create a video which hits the first page of the search rankings.
According to SEO authority Moz, web content contains videos attracts 3 times as many inbound links as plain text posts. As the search engines treat inbound links from reputable websites as positive endorsements, content with a lot of inbound traffic is rewarded with higher search engine rankings.
4. Video Increases Dwell Time
A video increases the average amount of time users spend on a web page. Dwell time is an important metric which is used to assess SEO rankings. Aside from that, it gives you more time to convince visitors to buy your product, join your mailing list or decide to visit your restaurant or attraction.
5. Video is more affordable and accessible than ever
You can your own video or you can hire a video company like Digitally Focused to make a video for you. If you hire a company to do it for you, you’ll save a huge amount of time and effort and probably end up with a better finished product.
Now all you need is a video company to help you get started.
We’d love to be that video company.
As a video production company based in Conwy, we help businesses across North Wales and the North West produce videos that showcase their company, organisation, products or events. And we’d love to help you do the same for your business.
Why not drop us a note on and well arrange to have a chat and let you know what’s possible.